Words: they are seeds. Blessings, curses—whatever we make of them. Whatever we choose. Seeds, in that when we speak, it is a planting. We are conjuring the shape of reality with each tone, turn of phrase, or exclamation we express. We are all magicians. Consider this each time you speak. What spells are you casting out there in the cosmos? Believe it, that voices are vibratory, and your words will resonate.

Different eyes look at the same world and see different things. Bees sees ultra-violet; snakes see infra-red. Because we are the thinking animal, our perspectives get excessively complex. But this also gives us the opportunity to rise above our delusions and experience the incomparable bliss of redemption. The most exciting secret (that everybody knows, but everybody tends to doubt) is that with our words, we have the power to transform curses into blessings. With our words, we can reveal the hidden glow of angels where we once saw only ghosts.

The truth is, we get what we ask for, and as the Law of Attraction goes, we get what we speak. By wielding our voices as the magical tools that they are, any lingering divide between the sacred and the mundane we might perceive will dissolve. Communicating with our fellow beings is what we do every day, and we must remember to regard it as a potent spiritual art. There is always room to grow. Each voice is something wonderfully new to listen to. And each new pair of ears to hear us might extract inspirations from our heads that we never even realized existed.

Let us incant goodness into the world. Whatever goodness might mean. That which is pure, grounded, and open. All day, every day, bring your attention back to opening your heart. With each word that you speak: open. With each step that you make: open. With each meeting of eyes, simply open. Simply visualize your heart expanding, each time that you sense it contract. It is courageous to open our hearts, and perhaps it is the scariest thing for a human to do. We are not perfect. And if we were, what would the fun be in that? Where then would be the journey, the adventure, the exquisite arrival at redemption? It is through gradually bringing our intention back to forgiveness that we cure the echo of our ancestors’ fear. Our living DNA contains an imprint from every decision our ascendants ever made. We are carriers of not only our own evolution, but of theirs. It is through transforming our voices that we both elevate and ground our lineage on a path that is blessed and enlightening, and intimate with every element.

Try this experiment. Sign an oath with your Self/Spirit/God to refrain from complaining for just 24 hours. You may speak either optimistically or neutrally—but be very conscious of what your idea of neutrality sounds like. You may complain in your head all you want, but the rule is that you are not allowed to say a single cynical, sarcastic, or pessimistic remark or intonation aloud, or on paper, or on screen. Say nothing at all, or find something nice to say. I promise you will be amazed. As the day progresses, you will experience the power of words on a whole new level.

Here is another secret: Love is perennial, but fear only keeps coming back if we continue to plant it. Love is our instinct; fear of love we have constructed. By refraining from speaking from fear, we stop fear from spreading like the disease that it is. By speaking from love, we allow love to pollinate, as it organically does. There is no limit to our growth. Love is infinite. The path is endless. It keeps getting better and better. 

Recognizing the voltage of your own voice is synonymous to realizing that you are a genuine transformer of consciousness and space. This is what magic is all about. Our voices are vehicles by which spirits instantly resonate on a very material plane. All that we need to learn the deepest roots and finest shimmerings of magic is our voice.

One way we can begin to plant seeds of courage and triumph over the fearful echos in our minds, is by surrounding ourselves with the wisdom of those who have triumphed before us. For inspiration, explore our website or come into the Candlewick Shoppe. Perhaps you will be drawn to one of our many hanging scrolls, printed with verbal gems of wisdom from across the ages. My personal favorite features a quote from Jimi Hendrix: “When the power of love overcomes the love of power, the world will know peace.”

Let this be your world. Let your words be phototropic. Let them grow towards the light.

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