LiveTheMagic-AprilAt the end of March I got to teach a class at the Keys to Living Expo in Pittsburg, PA called Shake your Money Tree.   I love teaching this class because it gets everyone charged up and inspired to make some money magic of their own.  Often we look at our prosperity magic as a bunch of one-offs that solve the problem of the day.  This Band-Aid method is honestly the norm; we plow through the day, find the rock in our path and blast it out of the way.  What if that rock was the next opportunity and since you were so singularly focused you missed out on it?

Think about the farmer who builds the family home, one bolder at a time as he finds them in his field.  Each moment of adversity is always an opportunity.  It may be an opportunity of prosperity or an opportunity or perspective.  You can look into any event in life and measure all the steps that got you there.  From this place of empowerment you can take a new path, make a new decision or just be grateful for where you are now.  Choice is some of the most powerful magic you can create because when you make that choice your energy flows to it and you are already beginning the process of manifesting.

In the Shake Your Money Tree class I started everyone out with stating their beliefs around money.  Is it a tool for survival?  Is it a tool to thrive, a tool of creation, part of their self-image?  Is money the root of all evil?  When you touch upon your core belief, you can start to re-write the script.  If you lay your new belief on top of the old one, the old one will win out… it is like washing new socks in dirty water – they smell like feet before you ever wear them.   

Once you identify your core belief you can set a goal for yourself financially.  Setting and working that goal will uncover all the little ways your old belief was in charge and even sabotaging you.  Re-writing that old script one moment at a time is more manageable than trying to force feed yourself a new flavor of Kool-Aid.   Goals help you get where you want to go.  If you do not know where you are going, you will never get there.  

When you focus you energy forward into your goal, you are feeding it and starting the process of manifesting.   What you focus on grows – it is as simple as that.  If you focus on your fears they will grow.  If you focus on your success, it will grow.  When you have the goal, and the map which was written by your beliefs you now know what type of magic you need to get there.

It is the little things that we bring magic into that add up to an even bigger spell.  When you live the magic in your words and deeds your faith becomes stronger and your mind a bit more tranquil.   If you are dealing with the issue of your prosperity being tied to your spiritual, emotional and mental worth, then a little love magic is in order to fall in love with your life all over again.  When you have a grounded sense of self-worth based in the way you interact with the world; the way you interact in your relationships, then money no longer defines you and you are free to enjoy the journey of creating more.   Use the Affirmation Love candle with the Crown of Glory Hoo Doo and a way to see your own divine reflection. 

When your beliefs around money are that you do not deserve any, that you are destined to be poor, then a bit of gratitude is in order.  Often that sense of poverty is anger at God for not blessing you with riches.  God does not love me enough to make me stinkin rich so I am just not destined to be.  Let me tell you… the big G in all her forms does love you enough but you just are not listening.   Something got in the way of you manifesting the divine within and you just are not feeling the love.  Start by finding gratitude in the moment, the Happiness Blessed Herbal Candle or oil will help with that.  Even if all that you are grateful for is breathing in and out, start there.  Remember, what you focus on grows and when you focus on gratitude, the things you are grateful for will grow in quantity and quality.

Next time you are online or in a Coventry Retailer, pull three Coventry Magic Oracle Cards while asking, How do I shake my own money tree?   The first card is what you believe; the second card is the energy you need to transform it, and the third card is how you are achieving your goal.