For a Web Begun...

My inspiration for January’s newsletter comes through my friends Amy Zerner and Monte Farber of The Enchanted World.  On Christmas, they posted the following French proverb that I have been meditating on all day. 

"For a web begun, God sends thread." 

I kept thinking about that phrase and what it means for me.  God sends thread …..  the creator provides, but not until the web is begun.

  It is not the thought or the intention of the web that inspires God to send this thread. The action of beginning the web is what brings the intention of the creator.  You can think all you want about a web, but are you really committed, will you really follow through – you know.... webs are sticky.   You can even intend and plan for that web, creating a vision board with a web, right smack in the center, but that is only a representation of the web and not yet important enough for you to move it past intention into action using your time and energy  in its creation.

Many customers ask me, “why can’t I just think of something, want it bad enough and it shows up?“  The commitment has to come from the mind (the thought or want) the spirit (intention) and the body (action) before the universe / creator accepts this idea as something to send you tread to create with.  You are the co-creator of your world; your web and God’s thread.  The creator does not do the work for you, the creator provides the tools. 

When talking about this over the feast table on December 25th, the parable of the footprints in the sand came up.  That God walks along side of you until you falter, then picks you up.  The point to look at here is that you decided to take a walk, to take action, god walked along side – not walking for you. 

God, the creator, the universe, your higher power, by whatever name gifted us with free will.  That will just churns and stirs and eventually our passion inspires the action to begin our web – until we decide and take action, the creator doesn’t know what type of thread to send.  God does not make your decisions for you, leaving the literal first step up to you.

To make that first step, I have a few candles that will help you power up, decide and take action:

Dragon’s Blood – Witches Brew (powering up your energy and motivation)
Passion – Affirmation (for that boost of passion that helps you take action)
Energy & Will – Blessed Herbal Candle (Strengthen these and nothing can stand in your way)
Male Energies – Blessed Herbal Candle (The male energies are all about action)
Gimme Gumption – Dorothy Morrison Spell Candle (gumption, courage – its all good)
Swifitng of Energy – Dorothy Morrison Spell Kit (to help you get into motion)
Personal Power - Quick Spell  (sometimes what you need is push in the right direction)
Green Man – World Magic (The god energy is about breaking boundaries and never settling for the status quo)