hdc unYou ever look around at your life and say, “What the hell happened?” I know I have! Sometimes we are so busy with life that we don’t stop and take a  moment to really see where we are or what we are doing. Even the way we think can bring on issues or roadblocks that we weren’t looking for or needing. Thoughts have power! I like to say, “Be careful how you think because the Universe is listening.”


When you find yourself stuck, or when every step you take seems to send you backwards, burn the Motor City HooDoo Uncrossing candle with the intention of “Uncrossing what I crossed up in my life” and soon you find yourself walking a path of clarity and understanding. Remember, thoughts have power so watch your thoughts!

For more information:
phone: 1-800-810-3837
email: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

You can also visit www.coventrycreations.com for retail
or www.coventrywholesale.com for wholesale