June2021 RetailAstroMagicWelcome to June! May 29 - June 22 is Mercury Retrograde. Buckle your seatbelts and keep your hands and feet inside the ride at all times. We begin this month with Mercury Rx in his own sign of Gemini. You can expect the typical issues that occur during MRx may be amplified or Mercury Rx squared. Back up your computers, check your travel plans, get your oil changes and be obsessive about checking your bank balance. This retrograde is in Gemini, the sign that governs communication, business transactions, trade, and travel. Storm Cestavani has given us the Mercury Rx Dirty Dozen! Tips and Tricks to Wrangling the Trickster God article to learn how to load up your MRx toolbelt.

June 14th we are going to experience part 2 of the Saturn in Aquarius square Uranus in Taurus. In Astro Magic talk, this is the time where you not only make a change but feel compelled to get out of what was stagnant and jump into change. If you have been fearful of that jump, this is the cosmic push that you need. The change you started or thought about in February is ready for a bigger commitment from you. Get out of your fears and step into the change you have been wanting.

Storm Cestavani teaches us that all aspects have a purpose. In the case of Saturn square Uranus, that purpose is the need for us to create change in our lives and let go of old structures (patterns, habits, even people) that may be preventing our progress.

Magically speaking, we can use the energy of Saturn square Uranus proactively to create change in our lives. This combination is good for letting go of toxic relationships, changing jobs or careers, or breaking bad habits. So, I recommend Needed Change/Banishing Blessed Herbal candle and oil, Uncrossing Motor City Hoo Doo candle or oil, Steady Work Motor City Hoo Doo candle or oil,  and Inner Balance Blessed Herbal candle.  Keep steady and determined to fully manifest this change with the Chakra Magic Empowered and Chakra Magic Confidence candle spray or necklace!


Lunar Magic 

New Moon and Solar Eclipse in Gemini : 

The solar eclipse in Gemini on June 10 is pretty complicated. Mercury, the ruler of the sign of Gemini, is  retrograde. Also, the solar eclipse is forming a challenging square to Neptune in Pisces.  

This eclipse is like everyone wandering around in the dark without a clue where they are heading. Expect  confusion, low energy, miscommunication, and even downright deception. Although New Moons are  good for new beginnings, unless you want to begin something deceptive (and hopefully you don’t), I  wouldn’t advise starting anything during a solar eclipse. Neptune is often used for spiritual connection  work, but since it is square, the eclipse and Mercury Rx, you could open a portal to some nasty energy.  So, hold off on starting anything new until next month. 

Instead of doing traditional intentional magic, I would suggest doing protection or spiritual cleansing  work.  

So, the candles for the solar eclipse are -- Uncrossing (Motor City Hoodoo)/ Protection (Blessed Herbal)  / Spiritual Cleansing (Motor City Hoodoo) along with the New Moon Astro Magic Candle.  

Full Moon in Capricorn: 

The Full Moon occurs on June 24 in Capricorn. This Full Moon forms a beneficial aspect to expansive  Jupiter, which will help boost any magical work you do. It’s a good time to do career magic, improve  your sphere of influence, and work towards achieving your goals. Spells to improve your business are  phenomenally successful during a Full Moon in Capricorn.

The candles that I recommend for this Full Moon cycle are – Everything and Then Some (Wicked Witch  Mojo), Success (Chakra Magic), Road Opener (Motor City Hoodoo), along with the Full Moon Astro  Magic Candle

Weekly Breakdown: 

May 31, 2021 – June 6, 2021 

The first week of June features soft and gentle cosmic energy until we get to the end of the week and  then end it off with a bang! 

We start the week with Mars trine Neptune. Ordinarily, Mars-Neptune aspects are low-energy, and  even with the trine, it's relatively subdued. The good news is that with the trine, Mars and Neptune  tend to turn inward, and we begin to see our lives clearly with a side helping of self-compassion. It’s also  a beneficial time to be helpful towards others when you can. 

Towards the middle of the week, Venus will move into Cancer, and our focus will shift to family concerns  and domestic matters. Romantic circumstances from the past may resurface and throw you off guard.  On Thursday, the Sun forms a beneficial trine to Saturn. It’s a great day to focus on completing projects  and work-related matters.  

Finally, this weekend there is a challenging aspect between Mars and Pluto. You may experience  powerplays and resistance from those around you. Try to avoid manipulative people whenever  possible, and avoid dangerous areas because Mars oppose Pluto can attract violence.  

Recommended Candles: Spiritual Cleansing (Motor City Hoodoo), Happy Home (Blessed Herbal  Candles), Road Opener (Motor City Hoodoo), and Guardian Protector (Affirmations)


June 7, 2021 – June 13, 2021 

This week features the Solar Eclipse in Gemini and a nasty Sun-Neptune aspect on Sunday. There is a  glimmer of light, though – Mars moves out of Cancer and into Leo. 

The week begins with the Moon moves through Taurus on Monday and Tuesday. Financial matters may  be the primary focus at the beginning of the week. You may need to renegotiate with lenders or revise  credit card rates. Since renegotiate and revise begin with the prefix ‘re,’ these actions are Mercury Rx  compliant. 

During the middle of the week, we have the Solar Eclipse in Gemini. Since I focused on the Solar Eclipse  in the Lunar Magic portion of this forecast, I will move on to the weekend. 

On Friday, Mars moves out of Cancer and into Leo. You can expect an increase in energy and vitality  while Mars moves through Leo. Managing difficult situations will be a breeze because Mars in Leo  comes with a dash of strength and a dose of gumption. However, on Sunday, be on guard of people  taking advantage of your kindness and generosity because the Sun squares deceptive Neptune. 

Recommended Candles: Prosperity (Blessed Herbal), New Moon (Astro Magic), Energy and Will  (Blessed Herbal), Protection (Blessed Herbal), and Bitch Be Gone (Wicked Witch Mojo)


June 14, 2021 – June 20, 2021

The third week of June starts with a bang but settles down later in the week. 

On Monday, Saturn forms a tense square to Uranus in Taurus. Saturn square Uranus is a time to focus  on change and letting go of the old, and embracing new opportunities. It’s a great time to do some inner  inventory, decide what is working in your life and what isn’t, and then begin making the necessary  changes. As I stated in the preview for the month, Saturn square Uranus doesn’t negotiate; if you avoid  making the changes that will ultimately benefit your life, Saturn square Uranus will do it for you – and  usually in uncomfortable ways. 

Midweek, the Moon moves through service-oriented Virgo. The Moon in Virgo is the point in the  monthly lunar cycle to take care of any tasks on your to-do list that needs to be completed. Health related issues may also be an issue. 

This weekend, The Sun moves out of Gemini and into emotional Cancer. The focus of Cancer season will  shift us out of social butterfly mode and straight into our comfort zones. Family matters may surface  that need to be managed or resolved. Moreover, home repair and remodeling are great activities while  the Sun moves through the sign of the crab. 

Recommended Candles: Needed Change/Banishing (Blessed Herbal), Keep Calm and Lavender On  (Wicked Good Spray), and Happy Home (Blessed Herbal)


June 21, 2021 – June 27, 2021 

The last week of June features another cosmic traffic jam. Be prepared for dramatic energy shifts with  Mercury turning direct in Gemini and a Full Moon in Capricorn. 

The week starts with a gentle aspect between Venus and Neptune. Venus trine Neptune is excellent for  creative activities and even some romance. On Tuesday, the big news is that Mercury will turn direct in  Gemini after being retrograde since the end of May. Communication issues will slowly begin to improve. 

During the middle of the week, we have a Full Moon in Capricorn (see Lunar Magic section) and a lovely  trine between the Sun and Jupiter. The energy will be positive and optimistic, but avoid power plays in  your relationships with Venus oppose Pluto hovering in the background. 

Finally, are you ready for a little ‘summer lovin’? Venus moves out of Cancer and into romantic Leo. It’s a  great time to look for a new relationship or even some recreational fun. Adding a little romantic spice if  you are already in a relationship is also on the menu. 

Recommended Candles: Mercury Retrograde Neutralizer (Astro Magic), Full Moon (Astro Magic)Success (Affirmation), Red Stilletos (Wicked Witch Mojo), Love’s Enchantment (Blessed Herbal)


Meet Storm at www.stormcestavani.com. For Storm, Astrology is a lifelong study and passion. His combination of Astrology, psychology, mythology, and Kabbalistic studies create an experience he calls Transformational Astrology. A session with Storm is about unlocking your potential through self-awareness, healing, and perfect timing. We give Storm 12 stars. Meet Patty Shaw at www.healingwithpattyshaw.com.

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