Spring has finally arrived; and Old Man Winter took his time leaving this year. The advantage to living in a four season climate is the opportunity to experience the ebb and flow of nature and the full spectrum of human emotions. Winter is the season of death and transition. Try not to think of death in terms of an absolute ending of life, but rather as part of the cycle of life. Death is a process of transformation, in which we rid ourselves of that which no longer serves a purpose and make way for new growth—“Out with the old, in with the new.” Winter then gives way to spring; the time of rebirth, renewal, and the emergence of new life.
If you have the “spring cleaning” jitters, there is good reason for that. It’s time to get rid of the emotional, mental, or physical baggage that is no longer serving you. It is a perfect time to incorporate smudging with incense as part of this process. Since your home has been shut tight during the cold weather, you may want to consider smudging your home to cleanse the stagnant energy that may be lingering.
Smudging is the process of burning sacred plants or herbal resins to cleanse and purify a person, object, or place. The spirit of each plant has a different vibration, resulting in different effects. Sage, cedar, and juniper are excellent for cleansing negative spirits, energies, or influences, and to help create sacred space. Other plants are great for bringing positive influences, such as:  sweetgrass for positive and uplifting energies; lavender for peace, balance, and harmony; and mugwort to stimulate dreams and psychic awareness.
To execute a smudging, first acquire the desired incense, which can be found at the Candle Wick Shop. If you are new to this process, consider using white sage and sweetgrass—they are commonly used and very effective. You will probably want a bowl or dish of some sort to catch the ashes, a lighter or candle, and if you have any favorite spiritual tools, feel free to incorporate them into this process as well. A feather is helpful for directing the smoke. If you don’t have one, a handheld fan or simply using your hand is just as useful.
Now that you have your materials, you are ready to perform a smudging ritual. The most important part of this process is your intention and trusting your intuition. If you follow your heart, there is no right or wrong way to perform a smudging ritual. Approach this process with the reverence you have for other spiritual ceremonies. If you have designated sacred space or an altar in your home, start there. If not, you can start the ritual by your fireplace, your kitchen (the heart of the home), or wherever your intuition guides you. Begin by grounding and centering yourself, and then offer a prayer to Spirit, God, the Divine, guides, ancestors, etc. (and don’t forget the spirit of the plant). Prayer completed, set your intention and light the incense. Then extinguish the flame, reducing to a smolder that produces smoke.
The next step is to smudge yourself and anyone else participating, to cleanse your energy field. If you are flying solo, place the incense in a bowl in front of you. With a feather or a hand, direct the smoke around you, starting at your feet working up to your head. Then wave the smoke over your head and direct it behind you toward your feet as best you can. If more than one person is present, have one person fan the smoke around the body of another as described, and then switch.
Once your personal energy field is cleansed, proceed to smudge your home. From your starting point, work as best you can in a clockwise direction throughout the house. Fan the smoke throughout each room, directing it toward doors, windows, corners, objects, etc. Let your intuition guide you and trust in the plant. When you have completed the circle and returned to your starting point, set the incense down, and then open a door or window to the outside. With focused intention, gather up the unwanted energy captured in the smoke and direct it outside, asking the powers that you pray to to take care of this energy for you. This is a symbolic process; you do not need to literally remove all the smoke from your home. Now enjoy the sensations and energy of your newly cleansed home. If you desire, you could follow the cleansing with sweetgrass incense, which will invite uplifting and positive energy into your home and provide a wonderful aroma.
May spring and the spirits of the plants bring you many blessings!