Feb2021 NewMoonDuring this New Moon, we desire to expand our sphere of influence and open to new experiences. Choose well, my friends. The thoughts and activities you indulge in today direct the course of your future. Look before you leap and assess who and what you let into your mind and life. Ask yourself, will this person help you become a better person and make the world a better place? Are they kind, generous, and compassionate? Do they teach the truth or spin lies cloaked in promises that really only appeal to your ego? Is anyone hurt or limited by their agenda? Are they blinded by their victimization or wounded warrior story? Take your time, give everything the litmus test of love, compassion, and tolerance.  If you enjoy freedom, know that others do too. 

In addition to carrying the Aquarius vibe, this New Moon is separating from a square to Mars. A signal that it’s time to leave problems and conflicts from the past behind and focus on the future. Also, a great opportunity to do a candle ritual.

You will need a:
- Blessed Herbal Needed Change candle
- Muse Blessing Kit
- Blessed Herbal Problem Solving oil
- Candle holders
- Images from a magazine or ones you draw yourself
- A piece of cardboard
- Glue or tape

Step one. Unwrap the Blessed Herbal Needed Change candle. Etch into the wax the situation you need to change. Or, write it out on a piece of paper, fold it and place it under the candle holder. Anoint the candle with the Blessed Herbal Problem Solving oil. Place the candle in the candle holder and light it. Let it burn for one to three hours on the first day of this new moon,  February 9th, and then again on February 10th.  

Step two. On February 11, 2021, take the three candles from the Muse Blessing Kit and anoint them with a small amount of the Problem Solving oil and place them into the candle holders. Light them and prepare to meditate. Get calm, grounded, and centered. Protect your energy by imagining a flow of golden light making a bubble around your aura and chakras.  Then ask your mind to be protected by the golden light, then your voice, then your heart, and then your emotions. You are now ready to be inspired by your own higher self.  Get out your magazine or drawing supplies.  Draw or select pictures that resemble your inspirations. To stimulate your mind, ask questions like, now that I’ve let the past situation go, what direction am I to go? What does that look like? Continue to cut out pictures or draw until you feel complete, then attach your images to a card or board and place them on your altar or in a place you can see them easily.  When you are done, blow out the candles.  If needed, you can come back and do this step again. 

Step three. Take a bath or shower to symbolically release what you let go and refresh and renew yourself.  Anoint your wrists with the Problem Solving oil to remind yourself to keep focused on the new and to not think about the past. If you can not wear oil on your skin, you can anoint a small piece of fabric or cardboard and carry it around with you. 

Share your success stories on social media! Find us on Instagram at @coventrycandles and on Facebook at @coventrycreationscandles.

Lighten up your life with help from products from Coventry Creations www.coventrycreations.com and advice from Storm Cestavani, Astrological Life Coach, www.stormcestavani.com. Discover your potential in your Akashic records with Patty Shaw, www.healingwithpattyshaw.com.