Oct2020.2 FullMoonThe Full Moon is one of, if not the best time to do magic. When the moon is in this phase, we are at our most creative and innovative, and things we are passionate about come bubbling to the surface. The October Full Moon is in Taurus and there is no stronger energy for money magic than this. Take the three days of the full moon and make some prosperity flow into your life like a wonderful spring shower. This spell is one of the first spells Jacki ever did. It is her standard spell for harnessing the power of the moon in a tangible way. You will need these Blessed Herbal candles, Prosperity, Inner Balance, and Ancestor for this spell.  Other supplies you’ll need are a large bowl with water and a half silver dollar.

The Spell:

On a full moon, face the silver coin to the moon to capture its reflection. Place the coin in the large bowl with water and position it outside or near a window you can see the moon through. Place the Prosperity, Inner Balance, and Ancestor candles in their holders around the bowl and light them. Speak aloud the prosperity you want then visualize the full moon energy charging the water while saying the following:

“Pregnant moon full of power, flow to me a prosperity shower. Fill this reflection of your fullest face with abundance overflowing and financial grace. My wishes spoken, so they will be. Your magic fills me up times three.”

Meditate on the full moon energy and when you are done, extinguish the candles, bottle the water for future magical use and place the coin where you can carry it every day. Relight the candles every day until they are gone to complete the full moon money magic spell.

Now – Go make it rain money!

Lighten up your life with help from products from Coventry Creations www.coventrycreations.com and advice from Storm Cestavani, Astrological Life Coach, www.stormcestavani.com. Discover your potential in your Akashic records with Patty Shaw, www.healingwithpattyshaw.com.