Oct-LTM-cleansing1Spiritual Cleansing is not just for the external energy around you, it’s for your own junk too.  Many clients have come to me thinking that they were cursed or even haunted by an energy that was creating chaos and trauma in their life, but when we got down to it, it was their own self-judgment that was leaking out into their world and mucking up the place.

Our emotions can cause a lot of psychic junk in our own living and working spaces.  Really, 90% of it is your own because it is familiar and the amount of it sneaks up on you and creates discord.  When it’s energy that belongs to someone or something else it is obvious and creepy and most often your energy just pushes out what is uncomfortable.  The big challenge is when our own emotions, fears, frustrations leak out into our environment and then attract more negative energy.  This is when a big cleansing is in order.

There are many methods of spiritual cleansing, from visualization to a full blown ritual with a greater and lesser banishing pentagram and every imaginative incarnation in between. My favorite, of course is one of the Coventry Spiritual Cleansing candles, but there are times when even I need to add in a few tools and make that spiritual cleansing crackle with power.

Before starting your cleansing put your mind in the right space and cleanse like you mean it!

  1. This is your space, your life and you are the authority in it!   Cleanse with power and attitude!  I big part of this process is you reclaiming your space and filling it with divine energy.

  2. Speaking if the Divine, you are not in this alone.  Call upon your spiritual allies, higher powers, gods, goddesses, angels and/or the universal creative force to fortify you and fill the space with an energy that is higher, clearer and brighter and for your greatest good.  

  3. Let it go. Whatever energy you are clearing let it go; don’t talk about it, relive it or fuss over it any more.  To continue to give attention to what you have cleared calls it right back to you and gives it more power to boot.   

No matter what ritual or tools you use for your cleansing you are accomplishing three things.

  1. Rooting out all the hidden energy.  Smudge, cigars, herbal smoke, drums and other vibration stir up the energy so you can collect it.

  2. Collecting, disconnecting and removing the energy.  Candles, brooms, coconuts, swifting motions, etc are used to gather the energy and push it out of your space.   Scissors, breaking the broom, cutting ties, letting the candle burn down or extinguishing the candle are all used to disconnect the energy from you and then discarding the tools away from your residence or space fully removes it

  3. Refilling your space with positive energy.   Sweet Grass, intentional candles, Florida water, laughter, beautiful music, light, color are all ways to refill the energy.  Nature abhors a vacuum and you must refill with energy of your choice or it will refill with what you just got rid of.