It’s October 19th, the moon is full and the folks at Coventry are really digging into that message about connecting with the spirits.  It is the best time of the year to do this and using moon magic to launch into spirit communication will be exhilarating.  Our reflective beauty (the moon) is calling us out and telling us the opportunity is here, so get our butts in gear.  Today is the day you talk to the spirits in a meaningful way. Why so much urgency?  It’s because the moon is sitting with Aries the Archer, and being ruled by Mars, the energy says; “go and make no excuses”.  Take advantage of the wave of courage this full moon will fill you with and knock on spirits door, make an introduction and start a relationship with it.  Be discerning though.  We want you to make friends with your spirit guides, guardian angels and spiritual teachers of the highest caliber.  Light the way with an Energy Will/Fire Blessed Herbal candle and the sweet Sandalwood will relax your mind while the ginger will keep you motivated.