Wholesale Features

What in the world are World Magic Candles?? You have seen them in our catalog, on our site and may

have even tried a few in your store, but you still don’t completely know what to do with them. Well

then, we have a treat for you!!

Light a Hekate, Sweet Grass and Green Man candle at the same time and start talking to the spirits in

your store. Every building and business has its own guardian spirits and when you all move together

in the same direction, miracles can happen. The Hekate candle is for tapping into the spirit world and

creating a clear line of communication, The Sweet Grass candle it to connect you with joy, abundance

and happiness and the Green Man candle is to honor and bring into alignment all the elementals that

naturally inhabit your place.

 The spirits that are in your store and business want the best for you and they are going to help you

manifest the most recent thing you intentionally and emotionally declared was your next goal. When

that declaration was made a long time ago, or in a moment of stress what your store spirits are helping

you with may not be in alignment with where you are aiming for today. In other words they are

probably working with some old news.

Lite these three world magic candles and just start talking to your store spirits. Bring out your

paperwork and show them your financial goals. Ask them to help bring the ideal customers to you and

maybe watch out for any dishonesty in your store that would harm you.

At Coventry, when we are needing a new employee we ask our guardian to bring the right person to us

as we place the ad or send out the call.

So while you are placing your order for Hekate, Sweet Grass and Green Man Candles – make sure to

grab a selection of the other 6 World Magic candles.

Coventry Wholesale News

OCTOBER!!! OMG – how did we get here? At Coventry we have already set up our schedule at

maximum capacity for the rest of the year and Yikes, it looks like we may actually sell out this year.

We upped the production of the best sellers, and decreased the production of the slower ones to best

accommodate your needs.

We have our wait-list and pre-order program fine-tuned and ready for your orders. We are staffed to

turn your orders over as quick as possible and of course make the best candles in town. Remember, the

early order gets the Money Draw and Sacred White Sage candles!!


The DIY Akashic Wisdom Indy Store book launch is ready for you! Jacki & Patty’s latest book is ready

for shipment and we want to send customers your way! On Nov 9th

launch that sends customers to your store to buy a Signed copy of DIY Akashic Wisdom and get a free

 we will be hosting a national book

candle and audio CD of Akashic Wisdom Classes.

For more information visit our book website http://diyakashicwisdom.com/information/indy-store-

There is a business philosophy that states that there are three core business ideals; price, value and service.  If you look at them as corners within a triangle you see that you can only rest that triangle on two of the corners as a foundation for your business.

A New Perspective


I just erased everything I was going to write about this month because I had a very inspiring conversation with Dorothy Morrison. I always have inspiring conversations with Dorothy which is why we decided to co-design her products last year! Dorothy always gives me a new perspective on magic, life and attitude (and aren’t those my favorite three subjects!) Dorothy said something that made me sit up and take notice….

Social Media - Meet-up


Social Media – are you tired of hearing about it? Do you have a Facebook and Twitter account? Are you on Yelp, Four Square and Linked in? How about all of those niche social groups… you could literally spend all day on your computer updating your status and posting events.

End of Year - What Worked, What Didn't

What got put on your “TO DO” list for next year? “I will organize the back room next year, I will redo my accounting next year, I will do a newsletter next year, I will get a website up next year….” Guess what, it is next year and you have not finished your list from last year!


At the end of each day, week, month – you wonder what you did all day, what did you get accomplished.