hdc roThe realest battle that we may ever endure, is the one within our own

hearts and minds. A friend recently, described her own healing process as

“a spiral”. This resonated with me. Often times, we spin around repeatedly,

revisiting old wounds and the obstacles that have been created as result

of this pain. The hope is that this go around, we can carve out the path

effectively, and the greatest version of ourselves will emerge. Motor City

HooDoo, Road Opener, can help you to clear the path and get you the hell

out of your own way.

With a pin or a nail write your name onto the candle, three times. You can

add your petition on to a piece of paper, and slide just underneath too. I

personally, have good results using Psalms 1:19 vrs. 105 which, reads; ‘ your

word is a lamp to my feet and a light to my path”. Simply, light your candle

each day until it has burned down.

For more information:

phone: 1-800-810-3837

email: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

You can also visit www.coventrycreations.com for retail

or www.coventrywholesale.com for wholesale

BHC HA 400sqHappiness is not some great mystery. It really is a choice that we claim for

our lives. Counting our blessings and all that we have to be grateful for

daily, is something that I have found to be hugely, effective in keeping my

Attitude more positive. As simple, as this may sound, putting this into

action does require some practice. A little inspiration to invoke more joy

into my life is a welcomed tool! Let's face it by the time ole’ man winter has

had his way with us, we may not be feeling especially, rainbow

sprinkles and sunshine.

Think of Blessed Herbal Happiness candle as your jolly, yellow

juniper,pine, and patchouli little 40 hr burnin’ helper. Find a quiet space

light, your candle and imagine all of the magical ways that you envision

for your life to be.

For more information:

phone: 1-800-810-3837

email: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

You can also visit www.coventrycreations.com for retail

or www.coventrywholesale.com for wholesale

BHC SC 400sqDuring the month of December energies become crazy and leave me

feeling on a tilt. At least this is how I experience ‘the most wonderful time of

the year”, (hard eye-roll). Maybe, you too can relate? All of the external

busyness, challenges my daily focus on my personal goals. I struggle to

remain balanced and am easily, knocked off of my square. With the New

Year just weeks away, I like to use this as a time of reflecting on my own

inventory. What have I accomplished? What work is there still left for me to for me to do?

One of the tools that helps me to stay emotionally, healthy is a good ole’

fashion cleansin’ of the soul! Clear away all of the funky energy our

relatives have brought to our door and left behind. Do away those self

defeating thoughts. Give ourselves the gift of renewal and clear away what

is holding us  back.

Blessed Herbal Spiritual Cleansing all white candle with lemongrass,sage

and cypress blend is a beautiful tool to inspire your intent.

For more information:
phone: 1-800-810-3837
email: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

You can also visit www.coventrycreations.com for retail
or www.coventrywholesale.com for wholesale