2017.9.WGMD.blogThere seems to be some misconceptions about how magic works in our lives. Case in point, I recently received an email from a woman out of Washington. The woman was eager to know how fast her money spell would start to work for her. She explained she had a special money pot to win at bingo. The woman wanted me to tell her how quickly her candle would work for her. I explained that the principles of magic do not work in this way. Magic requires us to put forth effort.

It is unrealistic to expect to light a candle, drop oil or spray some spray and some “Johnny on the spot” money fairy to show up on your doorstep. Spells need time to be effective. They are not instantaneous. Magic generally does not work in a way that enriches us with big bingo lotto winnings, as she was expecting. I suggested that she look for her prosperity to show up in some unexpected places.  

The woman didn't win the BIG pot of money that she had her heart set on at Bingo that following weekend. As a result, she sent me an angry email, demanding me to tell her  “when she would see some money show up in her hand!” I felt a little defeated that I could not bridge her thinking to a more self empowered position.

We are not victims of circumstances. The universe and its laws are not separated unto us. We are apart of it, and in fact, it resides within us. Magic is of the Divine and we are by design, its most well crafted, formidable instrument.  When we perform our magic, that is only half of the recipe. It is you and your intentions that are the most powerful and important when spell casting. Tools such as sprays, oils and candles are meant to support and further enrich your efforts.

I don't care if a pack of mystical unicorns and dragons collaborated in crafting your spiritual tools.  Your spell will be ineffective and fruitless without your efforts. Magic is energy work and motion Your effort is required here. Isn't that encouraging and Empowering? Your outcomes, in many ways, are up to you. Magic is Knowledge. Simply knowing isn't enough. Believe in your spells. Believe in your magic. Believe in yourself. Prepare a plan of action to accommodate your spell casting and be ready to roll up your sleeves and get to work. Know that you are supported in all that you are, and all that you manifest. When we do these things, magic will always work FOR us, never against us.  

During September, Arcadia Marketplace is offering 10% off  Wicked Good Easy Street  Money Draw Spray Money Draw Spray along with the entire Wicked Good Spray Collection. This versatile spray is for the serious practitioners on the go. A portable tool that can be used on your persons, in your home, in your car, workspace or hotel room.